Press ReleaseWeel & Sandvig awarded PEMS contract for monitoring methane emissions
bp and Weel & Sandvig announced today that bp has awarded Weel & Sandvig the global PEMS (Predictive Emission Monitoring System) contract for monitoring methane (CH4) emission from bp production facilities

bp’s ambition is to become a net zero company by 2050 or sooner and to help the world get to net zero. To achieve this, bp has set out 10 net zero aims. Aim 4 – reducing methane (CH4) is “to install methane measurement at all our existing major oil and gas processing sites by 2023, publish the data and then drive a 50% reduction in methane intensity of our operations”.
We believe our new strategy provides a comprehensive and coherent approach to turn our net zero ambition into action. This coming decade is critical for the world in the fight against climate change, and to drive the necessary change in global energy systems will require action fromeveryone.
Bernard Looney, BP Chief executive officer
Gas turbines used to power oil and gas facilities are a significant source of methane emissions. bp has selected Weel & Sandvig as a key technology provider to provide emission monitoring systems for all gas turbines in scope.
We are proud to be selected as one of the key
technology suppliers supporting bp on its path towards net zeroJan Sandvig, Managing Partner Weel & Sandvig.
PEMS is a recognised technology for accurate continuous emission monitoring with a long-standing record of monitoring other atmospheric emissions such as nitrous oxides (NOx). Weel & Sandvig has developed and provided PEMS systems since 2005 and has pioneered technical development in the field. The solution (WS.PEMS) is based on deep understanding of the fundamental combustion process to accurately determine emissions, using a combination of high accuracy turbine measurements and advanced analytics. In addition to methane (CH4), WS.PEMS can also monitor carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxid (CO), NOx, SO2 and unburned hydrocarbons (UHCs). The addition of cloud-based computing accelerates the deployment of the solution to bp’s global fleet of turbines.
As part of Aim 4 we want to move from methane estimates from simple emission factors to actual quantification of emission from individual equipment based on accurate and reliable monitoring technologies. We have selected PEMS as the most appropriate method for all our gas turbines
Peter Evans, bp.
About Weel & Sandvig
Weel & Sandvig is a Greentech company based in Denmark with a deep technology foundation combined with decades of experience and insight in the processing industry. The company is a leading innovator in model-based software solutions and industrial energy efficiency technologies. Weel & Sandvig deliver productivity, reliability and accuracy to their customers.
Contact Info:
Weel & Sandvig
Diplomvej 377, 2800 Lynby Denmark
Partner, Jan Sandvig Nielsen [email protected], +45 2671 0045
Press contact: Martin Tjellesen, [email protected], +45 2371 2106
- bp & WS press Release