InformationWhat is the First Principle Method?

In our First Principle WS.PEMS model, known physical relations are harnessed to calculate the specific effect of each input parameter. This model fundamentally utilizes energy and mass balances along with other physical principles.

First Principle Model

The energy balance model correlates all energy entering the process, such as fuel, air, and feed streams, with all energy exiting the process, including product streams, exhaust flows, and heat losses.

Similarly, the mass balance is executed both on total mass relating the total mass flow entering the process, with all mass exiting the system and by component balance, where balances are established for each component like N2, O2, CO2 etc.

Beyond these fundamental relations, WS.PEMS exploits additional physical or empirical relations. Various equipment model relations are incorporated, allowing the system to calculate the condition in the core of the combustion process meticulously. This includes component composition, combustion temperatures, and pressure, considering each stage of the combustion process in the emission prediction.

So to ensure the Precision and Robustness of our WS. PEMS – the First Principle Method is key.

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